Thank You For Your Contribution

Here's What To Do Now:
  1. Please record a short video unboxing the Health, Wealth, and E.L.F. (Easy, Lucrative, and Fun) gifts in your new bag. 
  2. Share your video on your social media using #GeniusRecovery and #GeniusNetwork and tag @JoePolish, @GeniusNetwork, and @GeniusRecovery.
  3. Let folks know they can make a contribution and join the mission from 

Making An Impact And Changing Lives

Working with Addicts

We want to change the global conversation around how people view and treat addicts – with compassion instead of judgement – and find the best forms of treatment that have efficacy and share those with the world … with loved ones … with YOU.

Family Support

We provide resources for family and friends supporting loved ones with recovery. We focus on support with compassion instead of judgement. We help find the best forms of treatment that have efficacy and share those with the world.

Youth Program

We partner with organizations that provide support and guidance for youths at risk. Organizations that provide opportunities for youths to create real connections.

Dedicate a Donation

Make a donationin honor of someone’s birthday, anniversary, thank you, new baby, encouragement or for any special reason!

Other Easy Ways to Donate:

An easy way to support Genius Recovery is for Amazon Customers to use AmazonSmile
 Select Genius Recovery as your AmazonSmile charity, and Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases.

Workplace Giving
Workplace giving is an easy and efficient way to make tax-deductible donations to the charities you care about, typically with donations as a Payroll Deductionor Employer Gift Match.

Corporate Giving
Align profit and purpose by connecting with your cause, understanding your impact by becoming a Corporate Partner. Register Genius Recovery with your Employer Gift Matching Program. See more information below.

We welcome all donations, as we continue to strive to create impact. All donations are tax deductible.

Corporate Charitable Contribution Your company can add Genius Recovery to its annual giving or gift matching. Employees can add Genius Recovery as monthly recurring payments, directly to our organization, which will be used to further our initiatives outlined above. Individual Charitable Contribution; You can make a financial donation as an individual to the Genius Recovery. You can donate your time and volunteer with the Genius Recovery. Please contact support at