
Day by Day Awareness

MacGyver was a 1980s TV character who continually faced difficult problems that needed urgent attention. Usually, someone was in physical distress or danger which required MacGyver to act quickly with creativity. He created solutions from the environment around him. He often used a roll of duct tape stuffed in his back pocket, an ID card, a Timex Camper watch, strike-anywhere matches, a few paper clips, chewing gum, and a flashlight. These were the common resources he used to create a way to help others get out of a dangerous fix. MacGyver certainly paid attention to Einstein’s belief that you cannot find a solution with the same mindset that created the problem in the first place. He role-modeled calm and poised perspective, adaptability, and environmental awareness. 

These are attributes that must be incorporated in recovery by addicts. 

Addicts tend to ignore Einstein’s warning and adopt the mindset that “where there is a will there is a way.” When things don’t work out they tend to want to do the same thing that didn’t work, only try harder—very anti-MacGyver-like. Addicts tend to want to hold on tighter when they need to let go. Out of fear, they tend to want to speed up when they need to slow down. They tend to bury their head in the sand when they need to look at themselves in the mirror and face what is real. Addicts want to manipulate outcomes when they need to let go and free fall, trusting the outcome to their Higher Power. Free fall does not mean to be irresponsible. It does mean you cannot control the results. It’s a hard thing to lean into sadness with no solution and just be sad. By letting the tremor of anxiety work its way through you learn that you can go down and come back up, even stronger. 

Addicts who have not learned to be adaptable or calm, and will try to address a given problem in a certain way. When it doesn’t work, they bear down and try the same thing only harder. This becomes crazy-making for the addict and everyone around them. They get stuck and trapped. This is what unmanageability is all about. Dysfunctional relationship patterns reflect this kind of craziness—doing the same thing that doesn’t work over and over expecting a different outcome!

Here are a few considerations when you find yourself stuck in this destructive pattern of behavior.

1. First, take a deep breath and do nothing. Simply look around you and notice your environment (where you are, what was said and done, the time of day and who did what). Just be aware of your surroundings. Nothing changes until it is first real. Sometimes it only takes a few moments to size up what is real but those few moments are crucial to the response and action you take.

2. Perspective comes when you don’t personalize but let go of the results. It’s not about you! You will personalize as long as you believe the results are about you! When you are stuck in the position that it is about your money, property, investment, feelings, etc. you are most likely to remain doing the same thing you did that got you in the mess that was created in the first place. Detach from the results and let go of the outcome. It is an illusion that it was your money, property, investment gain, or about your feelings. Feelings come and go and you are a custodian of all the materials assigned to you. We will all let it go someday, sooner than we think. When you detach you will open your thinking to a better solution with a different mindset than the one that created the problem in the first place. 

3. Poised perspective creates adaptability that finds a way where there seems to be no way. Detachment creates a poised perspective that generates adaptability to the environment in which you live. Poised perspective informs you when you need to try a little harder and when you need to let go and stop trying so hard. Detachment develops a quietness that fosters resilience and clarifies the possibilities for a creative solution. Often, the answer will emerge more clearly in the quietness of letting go than it will in the urgency, frustration, and desperation of pushing harder. There is a little jingo that goes “God will make a way where there seems to be no way.” However, you choose to define the term “God”—there is a power source within that when you draw from it you create a powerful perspective that enables you to adapt with new creative solutions different from your old unproductive past experiences. Day by day awareness will cultivate this deeper awareness of your own brilliance.

You Are Stronger Than You Think

READ IT TO ME: Click play to listen to this post.

There is a ton of uncertainty with tragic circumstances that rage throughout the world. There is the horrible Middle East conflict in the war between Israel and Hamas where thousands of innocent people have been and are being killed every day. There is famine in Sudan.  There is instability in Syria because of the thousands killed and many more displaced as a result of civil war.  There are regimes that perpetrate oppression and domination over disempowered people all around the world. 

Then there are growing tensions that exist in our own country that create political division and disunity. Family betrayal and break up render children displaced and highly stressed with chronic anxiety. 

How do you tell innocent children about tragic events?

How do you tell children the truth and make it bearable?

A story was told of an author of children’s books who stood in front of an audience of elementary children and shared the sad story of her father abandoning her when she was at a very young age. She said that she suffered other chronic physical illnesses and was heartbroken because her father had left. To her, at that time, life seemed overwhelming and impossible to go on. Yet, she did. 

After her address, during the exchange of questions and answers, one of the children stood and said, “You were a lot stronger than you thought.”

As the children were dismissed and were filing out of the auditorium, the author was in line saying her farewells when a young boy said to her, “I am living here with my mother, and my father is in California.  I did not know how I was going to make it until I heard your story.  And now you are OK. Maybe I will be OK.  Maybe I am stronger than I thought.”

Children learn truth by you facing your truth when things are bad. They know that things will be OK when you walk alongside them while they experience suffering. They can face truth. When you are vulnerable, cry with them and simply present in the existence of uncertainty.

You are more strong than you think. So are children. Strength comes from being seen and heard. When space is made to be noticed and validated then truth can be noticed and validated and not sugar-coated.

Walking alongside each other is the way to find a shortcut to the heart. It opens the awareness that everything around you is sentient. There is energy to be accessed from this reality. Thus, you are stronger than you thought!

It requires vulnerability to walk alongside another. At the end of life’s journey, there are important things to share with those you walked with. 

One is, “Thank You” for the energy, example of life, love, truth, conviction, and beliefs modeled. 

Two, ”I Love You.”

Three, “I forgive You.”

and Four, “Will you forgive me?”

Sometimes the journey in relationship life seems so difficult. Yet when you become capacious, creating space for you and others when you open your heart with vulnerability.  You don’t have all the answers. You don’t even know all the questions. Yet, in that space you know deep within your heart you are now stronger than you think.

Stuck in Depression and What Do You Do?

READ IT TO ME: Click play to listen to this post.

“You don’t understand

depression until you can’t

stand your own presence

in an empty room.” —Unknown

Depression is an epidemic across the world. It is estimated that more than 264 million people suffer from this malady. The late actor Robin Williams once said I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy. Because they know what it’s like to feel absolutely worthless and they don’t want anyone else to feel like that.” Tragically, he died having been dominated by depression. 

Depression has been a “friend” throughout much of my life. Many years ago it dominated me. I was hospitalized at one point unable to function. It was like living in a body that wanted to fight to survive with a mind that wanted to die. At times I was tired and scared at the same time. I was dominated by a fear of failure but had no energy to produce. I wanted to be alone but dreaded being lonely. I worried about everything while at the same time caring about nothing. There were times my head felt like an old Maytag washing machine churning and churning with anxiety. Then there were moments when everything felt numb and paralyzed. Depression was like a bruise that never went away. It was like being lost in the woods. The further I walked into the deep woods the more lost I became and the dimmer the light of hope was at the end of the tunnel. I got stuck in mental wool-gathering. Dread, emptiness, anxiety, and panic jammed my headspace. It’s like in the movie The Lord of the Rings where Frodo Baggins is stung and paralyzed by the giant spider unable to move. With depression, I  wanted to talk and scream but all I could do was whisper. I wanted to stay in bed and hoped I would fall asleep before I fell apart. Depression is a wound that is deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds. So, the question is when you are stuck in debilitating depression how do you get unstuck when you feel so paralyzed? Here are a few considerations.

1. Slow things down and sit with what is real. Don’t try to fix depression on the run. People try to avoid discomfort by distracting themselves with activity and daily busyness. For some people it works, if you define “working” as being able to numb out unwanted feelings so that you simply exist. This choice involves running on a treadmill of doing more to keep from being less. You have to be busy 24/7 for 365. Of course, no one can do this so you engage in a cocktail of destructive behaviors. You can make food, sex, alcohol, work, drugs, etc. an additive piece that provides temporary relief.  Some people live and die this way. Others free fall into major depression which stops them cold in their tracks. If you suffer this malady you know that it is powerful and overwhelming. The best choice is to slow the pace of life and sit with unwanted feelings that are underneath the busyness of your life. 

2. Listen to your feelings, they will tell you where your life is out of balance. Most of us learn to avoid what is uncomfortable. Yet, the way out is leaning into the discomfort. Discomfort is there for a reason. Feelings are a way for your body to talk to you. People with depression often experience levels of nostalgia. When you sit with nostalgia you notice that you pine for past experiences. Reflection, about past memories, triggers awareness to create warmth and connection in the present moment. However, the tendency is to wallow in the experience of yesterday without being motivated to provide meaningful connections in the present. The result is chronic loneliness which left untended will fuel depression. There are many feelings that bombard your awareness. Slow your life in such a way that you listen to your feelings. They will tell you where you are out of balance so that you can adjust your lifestyle to create emotional equanimity.

3. Don’t go outside, go inside.  When people hurt on the inside they want to find a quick fix from the outside. There is help from the outside that will take you inside. The following medications have provided relief for millions: Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI’s) like Celexa, Lexapro, Prozac, Paxil, and Zoloft are brand names that have been helpful. There are other medications that have also proven helpful. Plant medicines and dissociative medicines like ketamine can also be useful when administered by professionals and not recreationally. The utilization of these drugs and plant medicines, is strategically designed to assist in going underneath the symptoms of depression to address root causation. Ultimately, this is where healing takes place. Looking at the unresolved family of origin, trauma, and grief issues is helpful to drain the pain that fuels the major depression. There are many therapeutic interventions that trained therapists use to help with this process of healing. There is no magic bullet but there is healing for those who are brave enough to go inside.

4. Stop trying to fix other people. Other people’s problems become a tonic to our own existence—a way to get outside of ourselves. World-class performers like Michael Phelps, Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson, Lady Gaga, and Katy Perry admittedly have all used performance achievement as an escape from depression. But it never worked. You may not be famous but don’t try to avoid your depression by getting caught up with other people’s drama to energize your life and to escape what you do not want to deal with. Stop trying to fix other people.

5. Live your life in emotional honesty. When you live with incongruence you learn to feel one thing, say another, and end up acting disconnected from what you say or what you feel. You get lost. This makes you vulnerable to depression. People who overcome depression learn to open up and say it straight. It takes courage to be emotionally honest. In treating depression, without emotional honesty, you will drown. People fear disappointing others who are significant to their lives. At the core of healing depression, you will need to practice detaching from pleasing others to be true to yourself. 

Practice these steps and free yourself from the dregs of depressed living. If you are stuck and want help from your depression, reach out. You are not alone. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. You simply must ask for help.