
The Healing Of Oneness

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“All differences in this world are of degree, and not of kind because oneness is the secret of everything”. – Swami Vivekanand

When I was an infant, I was one with everything. I couldn’t think about it that way then, I could only think of the word “Mine”. All infants begin with everything is mine because everything is who they are. Later, we all learn to differentiate. The problem is we get stuck there. Most of us don’t figure out how to link all that is inside of us with all that is outside of us. This breaks down healing. Transformation happens with oneness, not separation. 

Think about it. The deepest moments of making love are about the temporary oneness beyond ourselves and with another. There is a natural force of energy that propels the universe. Some reference God, Buddha, Christ, Divine, or just call it universal energy. For me, names are insignificant. 

All animals have something to teach if we are willing to learn. The moment you stop seeing yourself as superior to other life forms is the moment you can learn from them. Consider the ant. Despite their size, they work in harmony with the “together” and create a massive colony. When you watch them you see great tenacity, cooperation, and accomplishments, all to the benefit of the colony. A colony of bees represents the same possibility of oneness.  Someone once said these insects role model the truth that any goal can be broken down into the smallest, achievable actions. They inspire each of us to achieve in concert with the community of others. We learn from ants and bees the value of oneness.

Profoundly, we have missed the insight in the world of humanity. Is it possible to celebrate the birthday of a child in the U.S. while grieving the tragedy of a starving child in Gaza? Only through Oneness can this be done. And when we connect with Oneness we take a step toward healing in the world. 

When you recognize your oneness with all living things, you are able to access the inspired energy that will enable you to achieve your destiny. Of course, our destiny includes returning to the great Oneness that created our existence. Life, death, and resurrection are the common flow of life energy. You were born to this life as was the plant, the insect, the animal, and all other life forms. We have this season of existence to bloom like a rose. In time the Grim Reaper will decide that life is over and we will return to the Earth to be resurrected again into the universe. All religious faiths point to this reality with different emphases. It begins and ends with divine oneness to all things. 

A couple of questions to ponder:

1. Where do you feel divided?

2. What do you think will be required for you to be at one with yourself? With another?

Remember, we are the only animal on earth that can reject ourselves. Your challenge is to be at one with yourself—to be the shaman of your own journey. Don’t forget that you are the only artist of your own life. Don Miguel Ruiz has written, “If you don’t like the story you are living, you are the only one who can change it”. Experience the healing that comes from Oneness.