
How to Stop Drinking Alcohol with Home Remedies

Home Remedies for Alcohol Withdrawal

Most addiction experts, researchers and medical professionals contend that the safest way to stop drinking alcohol is to seek medical attention. In fact, depending on the severity of one’s drinking problem, medical assistance might be the only way to avoid a wide range of debilitating, if not deadly side effects. Still, some people might remain uncertain or fearful about getting outside medical help. Sometimes, finding a rehab or detox center simply isn’t in the cards for them. Although detoxing at home is risky, it’s certainly not impossible. Research shows that most alcoholics try home remedies several times in their drinking careers, though they’re rarely ever successful. It’s important to know that detoxing at home means you’re away from professionals. They may not be able to provide the immediate attention you need or adjust your medication right away.

It’s important to know that detoxing at home means you’re away from professionals. They may not be able to provide the immediate attention you need or adjust your medication right away. It’s important to know that detoxing at home means you’re away from professionals. They may not be able to provide the immediate attention you need or adjust your medication right away.

3 Things To Do Before Beginning the Self-detox at Home

First, you will need to get rid of alcohol from your home. Be sure to look everywhere, too. Alcoholics will sometimes hide bottles and forget that they did, which causes unfortunate surprises down the road. Remove every last bottle in your house before starting to self detox with home remedies. Your home needs to be a safe, secure environment, completely free of temptation when your cravings kick in.

Next, you’ll need to clear your schedule for a specific period of time. If you want to successfully detox, take extended time off from work and responsibilities to focus on your upcoming recovery. Determine the period of time you will need—generally related to the severity of your drinking problem.

Finally, be sure you’re not detoxing at home alone. You should enlist a friend or family member to be there with you, in order to keep you safe and secure through the process. If your withdrawal symptoms get too severe or out of control, they can take you to get medical attention.

Natural Home Remedies

There are also a wide variety of natural home remedies to help accelerate the process of getting sober at home. One of the most effective remedies for getting one’s alcohol addiction under control are grapes. Whenever the urge strikes, drink a glass of grape juice or pop a few grapes in your mouth. They’re rich in potassium and actively work to stimulate the kidneys, not to mention work to clean your liver free from toxins. Physical exercise is also key in breaking the cycle of addiction and alcoholism. Many studies reveal that physical exercise actually serves an even greater purpose for heavy drinkers: it helps prevent brain damage and a loss of cognitive function, according to a 2013 study published in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research.

Everything from stress, mood, depression, cravings and sleep are regulated by physical exercise, which is why getting outside for a brisk walk, bike ride, or a swim is crucial to your recovery. Also, many people swear by other home remedies to stop drinking alcohol. It includes laxative herbs, which help detoxify the body which also offsets cravings for sugar and alcohol. Cayenne regulates your appetite, balances out your digestion and smoothens anxiety. Cayenne provides an added “kick” to relieve the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. Consumed raw, celery has a sobering effect and ends alcohol and sugar cravings on its own. Finally, Vitamin B is widely regarded as a substitute for alcohol, as it does everything from improve the quality of sleep to prevent withdrawal symptoms.